- #include "IZ_app_net.h"
- void IZ_AppHandleNetworkingInboundBinaryEvents(struct IZ_App* app, void* binary_raw, size_t len) {
- u8* binary = binary_raw;
- size_t i;
- printf("%lu: Binary", IZ_AppGetTicks(app));
- for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
- printf("%c%02x", i == 0 ? '(' : ' ', binary[i]);
- }
- printf(")\n");
- }
- void IZ_AppHandleNetworkingInboundTextEvents(struct IZ_App* app, const char* text, size_t len) {
- printf("%lu: String(%s)\n", IZ_AppGetTicks(app), text);
- }
- void IZ_AppHandleOutboundNetworking(struct IZ_App* app) {
- // TODO implement queueing of messages
- IZ_NetClientState* net_state = IZ_AppGetNetState(app);
- IZ_InputState* input_state = IZ_AppGetInputState(app);
- u8 player_index;
- for (player_index = 0; player_index < IZ_PLAYERS; player_index += 1) {
- if (net_state->action[player_index] != input_state->action[player_index]) {
- u8 player_actions_count = 1;
- IZ_AppActionSyncMessage* msg = IZ_malloc(
- sizeof(IZ_AppMessageHeader)
- + sizeof(u8)
- + (sizeof(IZ_AppPlayerActionSyncMessage) * player_actions_count)
- );
- msg->header.client_elapsed_time = IZ_AppGetTicks(app);
- msg->header.message_kind = IZ_MESSAGE_KIND_ACTION_SYNC;
- msg->action.player_actions_count = player_actions_count;
- msg->action.player[0].index = player_index;
- msg->action.player[0].value = input_state->action[player_index];
- msg->action.player[0].state = 0;
- IZ_NetClientSendBinaryMessage(
- net_state,
- msg,
- sizeof(*msg)
- );
- IZ_free(msg);
- }
- net_state->action[player_index] = input_state->action[player_index];
- }
- }
- void IZ_WSClientAttemptConnect(struct lws_sorted_usec_list *sul) {
- IZ_WSClientVHostData* vhd = lws_container_of(sul, IZ_WSClientVHostData, sul);
- vhd->i.context = vhd->context;
- vhd->i.port = *vhd->port;
- vhd->i.address = vhd->address;
- vhd->i.path = vhd->path;
- vhd->i.host = vhd->i.address;
- vhd->i.origin = vhd->i.address;
- vhd->i.ssl_connection = 0;
- vhd->i.protocol = NETWORK_PROTOCOL;
- vhd->i.pwsi = &vhd->client_wsi;
- struct IZ_App* app = (struct IZ_App*) vhd->app;
- IZ_NetClientState* net_state = IZ_AppGetNetState(app);
- net_state->status = IZ_NET_CLIENT_STATUS_CONNECTING;
- if (lws_client_connect_via_info(&vhd->i)) {
- return;
- }
- lws_sul_schedule(
- vhd->context,
- 0,
- &vhd->sul,
- IZ_WSClientAttemptConnect,
- );
- }
- IZ_ProcedureResult IZ_WSClientProtocolInitialize(struct lws* wsi, void* in) {
- const struct lws_protocols* protocols = lws_get_protocol(wsi);
- struct lws_vhost* vhost = lws_get_vhost(wsi);
- IZ_WSClientVHostData* vhd_instance = (IZ_WSClientVHostData*) lws_protocol_vh_priv_get(vhost,protocols);
- IZ_WSClientVHostData** vhd = &vhd_instance;
- *vhd = lws_protocol_vh_priv_zalloc(vhost, protocols, sizeof(IZ_WSClientVHostData));
- (*vhd)->ring = lws_ring_create(
- sizeof(IZ_WebsocketMessage),
- IZ_WebsocketDestroyMessage
- );
- if (!(*vhd)->ring) {
- return -1;
- }
- (*vhd)->context = lws_get_context(wsi);
- (*vhd)->protocol = protocols;
- (*vhd)->vhost = vhost;
- (*vhd)->port = (u16*) lws_pvo_search(
- (const struct lws_protocol_vhost_options *)in,
- "port"
- )->value;
- (*vhd)->address = lws_pvo_search(
- (const struct lws_protocol_vhost_options *)in,
- "address"
- )->value;
- (*vhd)->path = lws_pvo_search(
- (const struct lws_protocol_vhost_options *)in,
- "path"
- )->value;
- (*vhd)->app = lws_pvo_search(
- (const struct lws_protocol_vhost_options *)in,
- "app"
- )->value;
- IZ_WSClientAttemptConnect(&(*vhd)->sul);
- return 0;
- }
- void IZ_WSClientProtocolTeardown(struct lws* wsi) {
- IZ_WSClientVHostData* vhd = (IZ_WSClientVHostData*) lws_protocol_vh_priv_get(
- lws_get_vhost(wsi),
- lws_get_protocol(wsi)
- );
- if (vhd->ring) {
- lws_ring_destroy(vhd->ring);
- }
- lws_sul_cancel(&vhd->sul);
- struct IZ_App* app = (struct IZ_App*) vhd->app;
- IZ_NetClientState* net_state = IZ_AppGetNetState(app);
- net_state->status = IZ_NET_CLIENT_STATUS_PRISTINE;
- }
- IZ_ProcedureResult IZ_WSClientConnectionError(struct lws* wsi, void* in) {
- lwsl_err("CLIENT_CONNECTION_ERROR: %s\n", in ? (char *)in : "(null)");
- IZ_WSClientVHostData* vhd = (IZ_WSClientVHostData*) lws_protocol_vh_priv_get(
- lws_get_vhost(wsi),
- lws_get_protocol(wsi)
- );
- if (!vhd) {
- return -1;
- }
- struct IZ_App* app = (struct IZ_App*) vhd->app;
- IZ_AppBindConnection(app, NULL);
- vhd->client_wsi = NULL;
- IZ_NetClientState* net_state = IZ_AppGetNetState(app);
- if (net_state->retries == net_state->config.max_reconnect_retries) {
- lwsl_err("Max number of retries reached!\n");
- net_state->status = IZ_NET_CLIENT_STATUS_PRISTINE;
- return -1;
- }
- net_state->status = IZ_NET_CLIENT_STATUS_ERROR;
- net_state->retries += 1;
- lws_sul_schedule(
- vhd->context,
- 0,
- &vhd->sul,
- IZ_WSClientAttemptConnect,
- net_state->config.reconnect_interval_secs * LWS_US_PER_SEC
- );
- return 0;
- }
- IZ_ProcedureResult IZ_WSClientOnOpen(struct lws* wsi, IZ_WSClientSessionData* pss) {
- IZ_WSClientVHostData* vhd = (IZ_WSClientVHostData*) lws_protocol_vh_priv_get(
- lws_get_vhost(wsi),
- lws_get_protocol(wsi)
- );
- struct IZ_App* app = (struct IZ_App*) vhd->app;
- IZ_NetClientState* net_state = IZ_AppGetNetState(app);
- pss->ring = lws_ring_create(sizeof(IZ_WebsocketMessage), RING_COUNT,IZ_WebsocketDestroyMessage);
- if (!pss->ring) {
- net_state->status = IZ_NET_CLIENT_STATUS_ERROR;
- return -1;
- }
- IZ_AppBindConnection(app, wsi);
- net_state->status = IZ_NET_CLIENT_STATUS_CONNECTED;
- net_state->retries = 0;
- pss->tail = 0;
- return 0;
- }
- void IZ_WSClientOnClose(struct lws* wsi) {
- IZ_WSClientVHostData* vhd = (IZ_WSClientVHostData*) lws_protocol_vh_priv_get(
- lws_get_vhost(wsi),
- lws_get_protocol(wsi)
- );
- struct IZ_App* app = (struct IZ_App*) vhd->app;
- IZ_AppBindConnection(app, NULL);
- vhd->client_wsi = NULL;
- lws_sul_schedule(
- vhd->context,
- 0,
- &vhd->sul,
- IZ_WSClientAttemptConnect,
- );
- }
- IZ_ProcedureResult IZ_WSClientWritable(struct lws* wsi) {
- IZ_WSClientVHostData* vhd = (IZ_WSClientVHostData*) lws_protocol_vh_priv_get(
- lws_get_vhost(wsi),
- lws_get_protocol(wsi)
- );
- const IZ_WebsocketMessage* pmsg = lws_ring_get_element(vhd->ring, &vhd->tail);
- if (!pmsg) {
- return 0;
- }
- /* notice we allowed for LWS_PRE in the payload already */
- i32 m = lws_write(
- wsi,
- ((unsigned char*) pmsg->payload) + LWS_PRE,
- pmsg->len,
- );
- if (m < (i32)pmsg->len) {
- lwsl_err("ERROR %d writing to ws socket\n", m);
- return -1;
- }
- lws_ring_consume_single_tail(vhd->ring, &vhd->tail, 1);
- /* more to do for us? */
- if (lws_ring_get_element(vhd->ring, &vhd->tail)) {
- /* come back as soon as we can write more */
- lws_callback_on_writable(wsi);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- void IZ_WSClientOnReceive(struct lws* wsi, IZ_WSClientSessionData* pss, void* in, size_t len) {
- i32 n = (i32) lws_ring_get_count_free_elements(pss->ring);
- if (!n) {
- lwsl_user("dropping!\n");
- return;
- }
- lwsl_user("LWS_CALLBACK_CLIENT_RECEIVE: %4d (rpp %5d, first %d, last %d, bin %d)\n",
- (int)len, (int)lws_remaining_packet_payload(wsi),
- lws_is_first_fragment(wsi),
- lws_is_final_fragment(wsi),
- lws_frame_is_binary(wsi));
- // lwsl_hexdump_notice(in, len);
- IZ_WebsocketMessage amsg;
- i32 result = (
- lws_frame_is_binary(wsi)
- ? IZ_WebsocketCreateBinaryMessage(wsi, &amsg, in, len)
- : IZ_WebsocketCreateTextMessage(wsi, &amsg, in, len)
- );
- if (result < 0) {
- lwsl_user("OOM: dropping\n");
- return;
- }
- IZ_WSClientVHostData* vhd = (IZ_WSClientVHostData*) lws_protocol_vh_priv_get(
- lws_get_vhost(wsi),
- lws_get_protocol(wsi)
- );
- struct IZ_App* app = (struct IZ_App*) vhd->app;
- if (amsg.binary) {
- IZ_AppHandleNetworkingInboundBinaryEvents(app, in, len);
- } else {
- IZ_AppHandleNetworkingInboundTextEvents(app, in, len);
- }
- if (!lws_ring_insert(pss->ring, &amsg, 1)) {
- IZ_WebsocketDestroyMessage(&amsg);
- lwsl_user("dropping!\n");
- return;
- }
- lws_ring_consume_single_tail(pss->ring, &pss->tail, 1);
- lws_callback_on_writable(wsi);
- if (!pss->flow_controlled && n < 3) {
- pss->flow_controlled = true;
- lws_rx_flow_control(wsi, 0);
- }
- }
- IZ_ProcedureResult IZ_AppRunNetworkingThread(struct IZ_App* app) {
- IZ_NetClientState* net_state = IZ_AppGetNetState(app);
- if (IZ_WSClientInitialize(&net_state->binding, net_state->params)) {
- return -1;
- }
- i32 result = 0;
- while (true) {
- if (IZ_WSClientHandle(&net_state->binding)) {
- result = -1;
- break;
- }
- if (net_state->binding.interrupted) {
- break;
- }
- }
- IZ_WSClientTeardown(&net_state->binding);
- return result;
- }