Extract and set form values through the DOM—no frameworks required! https://github.com/TheoryOfNekomata/formxtra
TheoryOfNekomata e8942296a2 Improve README 2 years ago
cypress Cover all input types 2 years ago
docs Update README 2 years ago
src Update documentation 2 years ago
.eslintrc Switch to pridepack, add setFormValues 2 years ago
.gitignore Add coverage reporting 2 years ago
.npmignore Add coverage reporting 2 years ago
.prettierrc Separate prettierrc 3 years ago
LICENSE Switch to pridepack, add setFormValues 2 years ago
README.md Improve README 2 years ago
cypress.json Add support for multiple values 2 years ago
package.json Update tests, fix multiple value setting 2 years ago
pridepack.json Switch to pridepack, add setFormValues 2 years ago
publish.sh Update usage notes, prepare for publishing 3 years ago
test-globals.js Switch to pridepack, add setFormValues 2 years ago
tsconfig.eslint.json Update tsconfig 2 years ago
tsconfig.json Update tsconfig 2 years ago
vitest.config.js Switch to pridepack, add setFormValues 2 years ago
yarn.lock Add coverage reporting 2 years ago



The companion for Web forms!

Extract and set form values through the DOM—no frameworks required!

Lightweight. Simple. It Just Works.


The package can be found on:


  1. Lay out your input elements (all valid input types supported including <select> and <textarea>) then bind them to a form:
    • Put them inside a <form>.
    • Alternatively, use the form="" attribute then specify the form id where they will be bound).
  2. Add name="" attributes to your input elements.
  3. Get your <form> element:
    • Query the form directly.
    • If you want to retrieve/set the form values through an individual input element (e.g. in the case of value change events like onchange), use the inputElement.form attribute.
  4. Use getFormValues() to retrieve all bound input elements’ values, or setFormValues() to set them (setting only some fields’ values is supported).


For an example form:

<button id="autofill" type="button">
  Autofill login form

<form id="loginForm">
  <input type="text" name="username" />
  <input type="password" name="password" />
  <button type="submit" name="type" value="client">
    Log In As Client
  <button type="submit" name="type" value="admin">
    Log In As Admin

  <input type="checkbox" name="remember" form="loginForm" />
  Remember my login credentials

Use the library as follows (code is in TypeScript, but can work with JavaScript as well):

import { getFormValues, setFormValues } from '@theoryofnekomata/formxtra';

// This is the only query we need. On libraries like React, we can easily get form elements when we
// attach submit event listeners.
const form: HTMLFormElement = document.getElementById('form');

const processResponse = async (response: Response) => {
  const result = await response.json();

  alert(`Welcome ${result.user}!`);

// Best use case is with event handlers
form.addEventListener('submit', async e => {
  const {
    currentTarget: thisForm,
  } = e;

  const values = getFormValues(thisForm, { submitter });

  // Get the form values and send as request to some API
  const response = await fetch(
      method: 'POST',
      body: JSON.stringify(values),
      headers: {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',

  if (response.ok) {

const autofillButton = document.getElementById('autofill');

autofillButton.addEventListener('click', e => {
  setFormValues(form, { username: 'admin', remember: true });

There are utility functions exported alongside getFormValues() and setFormValues(). You may want to use namespace import with this library, i.e. import * as formxtra from '@theoryofnekomata/formxtra'.

See the documentation folder for more details.


The library has been tested on the static DOM using JSDOM, and the real dynamic DOM using Cypress.
