Design system.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

31 line
641 B

  1. import type { Preview } from "@storybook/react";
  2. import { withThemeByClassName } from "@storybook/addon-styling";
  3. /* TODO: update import to your tailwind styles file. If you're using Angular, inject this through your angular.json config instead */
  4. import "../index.css";
  5. const preview: Preview = {
  6. parameters: {
  7. actions: { argTypesRegex: "^on[A-Z].*" },
  8. controls: {
  9. matchers: {
  10. color: /(background|color)$/i,
  11. date: /Date$/,
  12. },
  13. },
  14. },
  15. decorators: [
  16. // withThemeByClassName({
  17. // themes: {
  18. // light: "light",
  19. // dark: "dark",
  20. // },
  21. // defaultTheme: "light",
  22. // }),
  23. ],
  24. };
  25. export default preview;