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Update LinkButton types

Enable more type-safe approach to component and href props.
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categories/web/navigation/react/src/components/LinkButton/index.tsx Wyświetl plik

@@ -7,46 +7,39 @@ import { Button } from '@tesseract-design/web-base';
export type LinkButtonDerivedElement = HTMLAnchorElement;

* Props of the {@link LinkButton} component.
export interface LinkButtonProps<T = any> extends Omit<React.HTMLProps<LinkButtonDerivedElement>, 'href' | 'size'> {
* Should the component occupy the whole width of its parent?
block?: boolean;
* Variant of the component.
variant?: Button.Variant;
* Complementary content of the component.
subtext?: React.ReactNode;
* Short complementary content displayed at the edge of the component.
badge?: React.ReactNode;
* Is this component part of a menu?
menuItem?: boolean;
* Size of the component.
size?: Button.Size;
* Should the component's content use minimal space?
compact?: boolean;
* Component to use in rendering.
component?: React.ElementType<T>;
* Is the component unable to receive activation?
disabled?: boolean;
interface LinkButtonCommonProps extends Omit<React.HTMLProps<LinkButtonDerivedElement>, 'href' | 'size'> {
* Should the component occupy the whole width of its parent?
block?: boolean;
* Variant of the component.
variant?: Button.Variant;
* Complementary content of the component.
subtext?: React.ReactNode;
* Short complementary content displayed at the edge of the component.
badge?: React.ReactNode;
* Is this component part of a menu?
menuItem?: boolean;
* Size of the component.
size?: Button.Size;
* Should the component's content use minimal space?
compact?: boolean;
* Is the component unable to receive activation?
disabled?: boolean;
* Graphical representation of the component.
@@ -55,12 +48,36 @@ export interface LinkButtonProps<T = any> extends Omit<React.HTMLProps<LinkButto
* Should the graphical representation of the component be placed after the children?
iconAfterChildren?: boolean;
* URL to navigate to.
href?: string | unknown;

interface LinkButtonAnchorProps extends Pick<React.HTMLProps<LinkButtonDerivedElement>, 'href'> {
component: 'a';

interface LinkButtonComponentType {
(props: { href?: string }): React.ReactNode;

interface LinkButtonFCProps<
C extends LinkButtonComponentType = LinkButtonComponentType
> {
component: C;
href: C extends (props: { href?: infer Href }) => React.ReactNode ? Href : never;

type LinkButtonAllProps<
T extends LinkButtonComponentType = LinkButtonComponentType
> =
LinkButtonAnchorProps | LinkButtonFCProps<T>;

* Props of the {@link LinkButton} component.
export type LinkButtonProps<
T extends LinkButtonComponentType = LinkButtonComponentType
> =
LinkButtonCommonProps & LinkButtonAllProps<T>;

* Component for performing a navigation action.
@@ -75,7 +92,7 @@ export const LinkButton = React.forwardRef<LinkButtonDerivedElement, LinkButtonP
compact = false,
block = false,
component: EnabledComponent = 'a',
component: EnabledComponent = 'a' as const,
disabled = false,
@@ -85,14 +102,18 @@ export const LinkButton = React.forwardRef<LinkButtonDerivedElement, LinkButtonP
) => {
const Component = disabled ? 'button' : EnabledComponent;
const Component = (disabled ? 'button' : EnabledComponent) as 'a';
const extraProps = {
disabled: disabled || undefined,

return (
href={disabled ? undefined : href}
href={disabled ? undefined : href as string}
type={disabled ? 'button' : undefined}
disabled={disabled || undefined}
'items-center justify-center rounded overflow-hidden ring-secondary/50 leading-none select-none no-underline m-0',
'focus:outline-0 focus:ring-4',
@@ -205,16 +226,34 @@ export const LinkButton = React.forwardRef<LinkButtonDerivedElement, LinkButtonP
LinkButton.displayName = 'LinkButton';

LinkButton.defaultProps = {
variant: 'bare',
size: 'medium',
compact: false,
menuItem: false,
component: 'a',
variant: 'bare' as const,
size: 'medium' as const,
compact: false as const,
menuItem: false as const,
badge: undefined,
subtext: undefined,
block: false,
disabled: false,
block: false as const,
disabled: false as const,
icon: undefined,
iconAfterChildren: false as const,
// eslint-disable-next-line react/default-props-match-prop-types
component: 'a' as const,
// eslint-disable-next-line react/default-props-match-prop-types
href: undefined,

// extend the component type here for defining new props
// interface LinkButtonComponentType {
// (props: { href?: number }): React.ReactNode;
// }

// const CustomLink = (props: { href?: string | number }) => {
// return null;
// };
// const a = (
// <LinkButton
// component="a"
// href="string"
// />
// );
