import * as fc from 'fast-check' import * as Enzyme from 'enzyme' import * as React from 'react' import * as FeatherIcon from 'react-feather' import { paramCase } from 'param-case' import Icon from './Icon' const FEATHER_ICONS = Object.keys(FeatherIcon).map((k) => paramCase(k)) it('should exist', () => { expect(Icon).toBeDefined() }) it('should be a component', () => { expect(Icon).toBeComponent() }) it('should render without crashing given required props', () => { expect(() => ).not.toThrow() }) describe('on XML icons', () => { test.each(FEATHER_ICONS)('should render the %p XML icon', (name) => { const wrapper = Enzyme.shallow() expect(wrapper).toHaveLength(1) }) }) it('should render null for an unknown icon name', () => { fc.assert( => ![...FEATHER_ICONS].includes(paramCase(v.toLowerCase()))), (v) => { const wrapper = Enzyme.shallow() expect(wrapper.getElement()).toBe(null) }), ) })