/// /// import * as fc from 'fast-check' import * as Enzyme from 'enzyme' import * as Axe from 'jest-axe' import * as React from 'react' import Checkbox from './Checkbox' import stringify from '../../services/stringify' it('should exist', () => { expect(Checkbox).toBeDefined() }) it('should be a component', () => { expect(Checkbox).toBeComponent() }) it('should render without crashing given required props', () => { expect(() => ).not.toThrow() }) it('should render a label to describe the intrinsic value of the component', () => { const wrapper = Enzyme.shallow() expect(wrapper.find('label').children()).toHaveLength(4) }) it('should render the label when not undefined or null', () => { fc.assert( fc.property(fc.anything().filter((v) => !Array.isArray(v) && typeof v !== 'undefined' && v !== null), (label) => { const wrapper = Enzyme.shallow() expect( wrapper .find('label') .children() .last(), ).toHaveText(stringify(label)) }), { numRuns: 300, }, ) }) it('should render the label when undefined or null', () => { fc.assert( fc.property(fc.oneof(fc.constant(void 0), fc.constant(null)), (label) => { const wrapper = Enzyme.shallow() expect( wrapper .find('label') .children() .last() .text(), ).toHaveLength(0) }), ) }) it('should render the input', () => { const wrapper = Enzyme.shallow() expect(wrapper.find('label').find('input')).toHaveLength(1) }) it('should guarantee minimal accessibility', () => { fc.assert( fc.asyncProperty(fc.string(1, 20), async (s) => { const wrapper = Enzyme.mount() const results = await Axe.axe(wrapper.getDOMNode()) expect(results).toHaveNoViolations() }), ) })