--- name: Button route: /components/button menu: Components --- import { Playground, Props } from 'docz' import Button from './Button' # Button Component for performing an action upon activation (e.g. when clicked). ## Props ## Usage Notes The default variant is `outline` as the `primary` variant is intended for the most essential call-to-action in a section or a page. Choose `primary` only if the component encapsulates the primary action of the view (e.g. log-in in a log-in form), else resort to using `outline` (specifying the prop is optional). The design of the button label is intended to be in uppercase as per the [Tesseract Design Guidelines](https://make.modal.sh/tesseract/design). Avoid using pronounceable initials in the button label, unless: - It is well-known. Initials such as URL and API are popular to a very wide selection of people. However, initials such as [SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SOAP) or [POST (power-on self test)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Power-on_self-test) may be confusing if not enough context is provided. - The context wherein the initials are used is clearly indicated. For example, using [cURL](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CURL) (which would be displayed as "CURL") in a page that deals with cURL requests is acceptable.