Common front-end components for Web using the Tesseract design system, written for React.
Você não pode selecionar mais de 25 tópicos Os tópicos devem começar com uma letra ou um número, podem incluir traços ('-') e podem ter até 35 caracteres.

TextInput.test.tsx 3.8 KiB

  1. /// <reference types="jest-enzyme" />
  2. /// <reference path="../../../utilities/jest/extensions.ts" />
  3. import * as fc from 'fast-check'
  4. import * as Enzyme from 'enzyme'
  5. import * as Axe from 'jest-axe'
  6. import * as React from 'react'
  7. import TextInput from './TextInput'
  8. import stringify from '../../services/stringify'
  9. it('should exist', () => {
  10. expect(TextInput).toBeDefined()
  11. })
  12. it('should be a component', () => {
  13. expect(TextInput).toBeComponent()
  14. })
  15. it('should render without crashing given required props', () => {
  16. expect(() => <TextInput />).not.toThrow()
  17. })
  18. it('should render a base element to put interactive elements on', () => {
  19. const wrapper = Enzyme.shallow(<TextInput />)
  20. expect(wrapper.find('label')).toHaveLength(1)
  21. })
  22. it('should render an indicator as additional description for the content', () => {
  23. fc.assert(
  24., 20), (indicator) => {
  25. const wrapper = Enzyme.shallow(<TextInput indicator={indicator} />)
  26. expect(wrapper.find('div').childAt(1)).toHaveText(indicator)
  27. }),
  28. )
  29. })
  30. it('should render a hint for describing valid input values', () => {
  31. fc.assert(
  32., (label) => {
  33. const wrapper = Enzyme.shallow(<TextInput hint={label} />)
  34. const renderedLabel = stringify(label)
  35. if (renderedLabel.length > 0) {
  36. expect(wrapper.find('div').children()).toHaveLength(3)
  37. expect(wrapper.find('div').childAt(2)).toHaveText(`(${renderedLabel})`)
  38. } else {
  39. expect(wrapper.find('div').children()).toHaveLength(1)
  40. }
  41. }),
  42. )
  43. })
  44. it('should render a padding on the hint element when an indicator is present', () => {
  45. const wrapper = Enzyme.shallow(<TextInput hint="foo" indicator="foobar" />)
  46. expect(wrapper.find('div').childAt(3)).not.toHaveStyle('padding', '1rem')
  47. })
  48. it('should render as half-opaque when disabled', () => {
  49. const wrapper = Enzyme.shallow(<TextInput disabled />)
  50. expect(wrapper.find('div')).toHaveStyle('opacity', 0.5)
  51. })
  52. describe.each`
  53. multiline | tag
  54. ${false} | ${'input'}
  55. ${true} | ${'textarea'}
  56. `('on multiline (multiline=$multiline)', ({ tag: rawTag, multiline: rawMultiline, }) => {
  57. const tag = rawTag as string
  58. const multiline = rawMultiline as boolean
  59. it('should render an element to input text on', () => {
  60. const wrapper = Enzyme.shallow(<TextInput multiline={multiline} />)
  61. expect(wrapper.find('label').find(tag)).toHaveLength(1)
  62. })
  63. it('should render the rest of the passed props', () => {
  64. const wrapper = Enzyme.shallow(<TextInput multiline={multiline} placeholder="foo" />)
  65. expect(
  66. wrapper
  67. .find('label')
  68. .find(tag)
  69. .prop('placeholder'),
  70. ).toBe('foo')
  71. })
  72. it('should render a padding on the input element when an indicator is present', () => {
  73. const wrapper = Enzyme.shallow(<TextInput multiline={multiline} indicator="foobar" />)
  74. expect(
  75. wrapper
  76. .find('div')
  77. .find(tag)
  78. .prop('style')!.paddingRight,
  79. ).not.toBe('1rem')
  80. })
  81. })
  82. describe('on aiding user input', () => {
  83. it("should render a label to indicate the nature of the component's value", () => {
  84. const wrapper = Enzyme.shallow(<TextInput label="foo" />)
  85. expect(wrapper.find('label').find('span')).toHaveLength(1)
  86. })
  87. it('should render the label text', () => {
  88. fc.assert(
  89., (label) => {
  90. const wrapper = Enzyme.shallow(<TextInput label={label} />)
  91. expect(wrapper.find('label').find('span')).toHaveText(stringify(label))
  92. }),
  93. {
  94. numRuns: 300,
  95. },
  96. )
  97. })
  98. })
  99. it('should guarantee minimal accessibility', () => {
  100. fc.assert(
  101. fc.asyncProperty(fc.string(1, 20), async (s) => {
  102. const wrapper = Enzyme.mount(<TextInput label={s} />)
  103. const results = await Axe.axe(wrapper.getDOMNode())
  104. expect(results).toHaveNoViolations()
  105. }),
  106. )
  107. })