Common front-end components for Web using the Tesseract design system, written for React.
Nevar pievienot vairāk kā 25 tēmas Tēmai ir jāsākas ar burtu vai ciparu, tā var saturēt domu zīmes ('-') un var būt līdz 35 simboliem gara.

Slider.test.tsx 3.0 KiB

  1. /// <reference types="jest-enzyme" />
  2. /// <reference path="../../../utilities/jest/extensions.ts" />
  3. import * as fc from 'fast-check'
  4. import * as Enzyme from 'enzyme'
  5. import * as React from 'react'
  6. import Slider, { Orientation } from './Slider'
  7. it('should exist', () => {
  8. expect(Slider).toBeDefined()
  9. })
  10. it('should be a component', () => {
  11. expect(Slider).toBeComponent()
  12. })
  13. it('should render without crashing given required props', () => {
  14. expect(() => <Slider />).not.toThrow()
  15. })
  16. it('should render a label for describing the nature of the value associated with the component', () => {
  17. fc.assert(
  18., 20), (v) => {
  19. const wrapper = Enzyme.shallow(<Slider label={v} />)
  20. expect(wrapper.find('label').find('span')).toHaveText(v)
  21. }),
  22. )
  23. })
  24. const EnzymeMountMethod: Record<string, Function> = {
  25. shallow: Enzyme.shallow,
  26. mount: Enzyme.mount,
  27. }
  28. type MountType = keyof typeof EnzymeMountMethod
  29. describe.each`
  30. label | mountType
  31. ${'fallback'} | ${'shallow'}
  32. ${'enhanced'} | ${'mount'}
  33. `('on $label mode', ({ mountType: maybeMountType }) => {
  34. const mountType: MountType = maybeMountType! as MountType
  35. const { [mountType]: mountMethod } = EnzymeMountMethod
  36. it('should render an input', () => {
  37. const wrapper = mountMethod(<Slider />)
  38. expect(wrapper.find('label').find('input')).toHaveLength(1)
  39. })
  40. it('should render as half-opaque when disabled', () => {
  41. const wrapper = mountMethod(<Slider disabled />)
  42. expect(wrapper.find('div').first()).toHaveStyle('opacity', 0.5)
  43. })
  44. describe.each<Orientation>(['horizontal', 'vertical'])('on %p orientation', (orientation) => {
  45. const parallelDimension = orientation === 'horizontal' ? 'width' : 'height'
  46. const perpendicularDimension = orientation === 'horizontal' ? 'height' : 'width'
  47. it('should render the sizing styles', () => {
  48. fc.assert(
  49., (v) => {
  50. const wrapper = mountMethod(<Slider length={v} orientation={orientation} />)
  51. const sizingWrapper = wrapper.find('SizingWrapper').last()
  52. expect(sizingWrapper).toHaveStyle({
  53. [parallelDimension]: v,
  54. [perpendicularDimension]: '3rem',
  55. })
  56. }),
  57. )
  58. })
  59. it('should render the transform styles', () => {
  60. fc.assert(
  62. fc.oneof<string | number>(fc.string().filter((s) => !s.includes(';')), fc.float().filter((v) => v !== 0)),
  63. (v) => {
  64. const wrapper = mountMethod(<Slider length={v} orientation={orientation} />)
  65. const transformWrapper = wrapper.find('TransformWrapper')
  66. expect(transformWrapper).toHaveStyle({
  67. [parallelDimension]: v,
  68. [perpendicularDimension]: '100%',
  69. transform:
  70. orientation === 'horizontal'
  71. ? undefined
  72. : `rotate(-90deg) translateX(calc(${typeof v! === 'number' ? `${v}px` : v} * -1))`,
  73. })
  74. },
  75. ),
  76. )
  77. })
  78. })
  79. })