Common front-end components for Web using the Tesseract design system, written for React.
Não pode escolher mais do que 25 tópicos Os tópicos devem começar com uma letra ou um número, podem incluir traços ('-') e podem ter até 35 caracteres.

RadioButton.tsx 4.2 KiB

  1. import * as React from 'react'
  2. import * as PropTypes from 'prop-types'
  3. import styled from 'styled-components'
  4. import stringify from '../../services/stringify'
  5. const Base = styled('div')({
  6. display: 'block',
  7. })
  8. const CaptureArea = styled('label')({
  9. marginTop: '0.25rem',
  10. '::after': {
  11. content: '""',
  12. clear: 'both',
  13. },
  14. })
  15. CaptureArea.displayName = 'label'
  16. const Input = styled('input')({
  17. position: 'absolute',
  18. left: -999999,
  19. width: 1,
  20. height: 1,
  21. })
  22. Input.displayName = 'input'
  23. const IndicatorWrapper = styled('span')({
  24. borderColor: 'var(--color-accent, blue)',
  25. boxSizing: 'border-box',
  26. backgroundColor: 'transparent',
  27. borderRadius: '0.75rem',
  28. position: 'relative',
  29. width: '1.5rem',
  30. height: '1.5rem',
  31. minWidth: '1.5rem',
  32. maxWidth: '1.5rem',
  33. display: 'inline-flex',
  34. verticalAlign: 'top',
  35. justifyContent: 'center',
  36. alignItems: 'center',
  37. cursor: 'pointer',
  38. transitionProperty: 'border-color',
  39. [`${Input}:focus ~ &`]: {
  40. '--color-accent': 'var(--color-active, Highlight)',
  41. },
  42. [`${Input}:disabled ~ &`]: {
  43. cursor: 'not-allowed',
  44. opacity: 0.5,
  45. },
  46. })
  47. const Border = styled('span')({
  48. borderColor: 'var(--color-accent, blue)',
  49. boxSizing: 'border-box',
  50. display: 'inline-block',
  51. borderWidth: '0.125rem',
  52. borderStyle: 'solid',
  53. position: 'absolute',
  54. top: 0,
  55. left: 0,
  56. width: '100%',
  57. height: '100%',
  58. borderRadius: 'inherit',
  59. transitionProperty: 'border-color',
  60. '::before': {
  61. position: 'absolute',
  62. top: 0,
  63. left: 0,
  64. width: '100%',
  65. height: '100%',
  66. content: "''",
  67. borderRadius: '0.75rem',
  68. opacity: 0.5,
  69. pointerEvents: 'none',
  70. },
  71. [`${Base}:focus-within &::before`]: {
  72. boxShadow: '0 0 0 0.375rem var(--color-accent, blue)',
  73. },
  74. })
  75. const Indicator = styled('span')({
  76. backgroundColor: 'var(--color-accent, blue)',
  77. color: 'var(--color-bg, white)',
  78. width: 0,
  79. height: 0,
  80. opacity: 0,
  81. boxSizing: 'border-box',
  82. display: 'inline-grid',
  83. placeContent: 'center',
  84. borderRadius: '50%',
  85. transitionProperty: 'background-color, color, width, height, opacity',
  86. [`${Input}:checked + ${IndicatorWrapper} &`]: {
  87. width: `${(100 * 2) / 3}%`,
  88. height: `${(100 * 2) / 3}%`,
  89. opacity: 1,
  90. },
  91. })
  92. const Label = styled('span')({
  93. display: 'block',
  94. verticalAlign: 'top',
  95. float: 'right',
  96. width: 'calc(100% - 2.5rem)',
  97. fontFamily: 'var(--font-family-base, sans-serif)',
  98. pointerEvents: 'none',
  99. })
  100. const LabelContent = styled('span')({
  101. display: 'inline',
  102. pointerEvents: 'auto',
  103. })
  104. const propTypes = {
  105. /**
  106. * Group where the component belongs.
  107. */
  108. name: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
  109. /**
  110. * Short textual description indicating the nature of the component's value.
  111. */
  112. label: PropTypes.any,
  113. /**
  114. * Event handler triggered when the component is selected.
  115. */
  116. onChange: PropTypes.func,
  117. /**
  118. * Event handler triggered when the component receives focus.
  119. */
  120. onFocus: PropTypes.func,
  121. /**
  122. * Event handler triggered when the component loses focus.
  123. */
  124. onBlur: PropTypes.func,
  125. }
  126. type Props = PropTypes.InferProps<typeof propTypes>
  127. /**
  128. * Component for values which are to be selected from a few list of options.
  129. * @see {@link Checkbox} for a similar component on selecting values among very few choices.
  130. * @see {@link Select} for a similar component suitable for selecting more values.
  131. * @type {React.ComponentType<{readonly label?: string, readonly name?: string} & React.ClassAttributes<unknown>>}
  132. */
  133. const RadioButton = React.forwardRef<HTMLInputElement, Props>(
  134. ({ label = '', name, onChange, onFocus, onBlur }, ref) => (
  135. <Base>
  136. <CaptureArea>
  137. <Input
  138. ref={ref}
  139. name={name}
  140. type="radio"
  141. onChange={onChange as React.ChangeEventHandler}
  142. onFocus={onFocus as React.FocusEventHandler}
  143. onBlur={onBlur as React.FocusEventHandler}
  144. />
  145. <IndicatorWrapper>
  146. <Border />
  147. <Indicator />
  148. </IndicatorWrapper>
  149. {typeof label! !== 'undefined' && label !== null && ' '}
  150. <Label>
  151. <LabelContent>{stringify(label)}</LabelContent>
  152. </Label>
  153. </CaptureArea>
  154. </Base>
  155. ),
  156. )
  157. RadioButton.propTypes = propTypes
  158. RadioButton.displayName = 'RadioButton'
  159. export default RadioButton