# izanagi A run-and-gun shooter inspired by Metal Slug and Counter-Strike. ## Setup The following tools are required: * CMake * Ninja * Clang * [Windows SDK](https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/downloads/windows-sdk/) (Windows) * `autoconf` (macOS/*NIX) * `make` (macOS/*NIX) * `libtool` (*NIX) For Windows and macOS, it is recommended to use Chocolatey and Homebrew respectively, for retrieving the required tools. For *NIX, use whatever dependency manager you prefer to obtain the needed tools. ### Windows 1. Ensure your environment variables are set up. > **Important:** Set your `CC` environment variable to the full path of `clang-cl.exe` > **Important:** Set your `CMAKE_MT` environment variable to the full path of `mt.exe`, which can be found on your > Windows SDK installation folder (usually `C:/Program Files (x86)/Windows Kits/10/bin/10.0.19041.0/x86/mt.exe`) 2. Clone this repo recursively. 3. Build the dependencies under `subprojects`. Follow the instructions on building for Visual C. > **Important:** For `libwebsockets`, follow the [instructions on building LWS](https://libwebsockets.org/lws-api-doc-master/html/md_README_8build.html). 4. Generate the CMake cache. 5. Build the specific executables you want to build, which are defined in `CMakeLists.txt`. ### macOS/*NIX 1. Clone this repo recursively. 2. Build the dependencies under `subprojects`. Follow the instructions on building for *NIX (macOS should have similar instructions for *NIX). 3. Generate the CMake cache. 4. Build the specific executables you want to build, which are defined in `CMakeLists.txt`.