# sdl2-hello-world A beginner template for SDL2 powered by CMake. ## Setup 1. Clone this repo. 2. Download the **SDL2 Development Libraries** from the [official download page](https://www.libsdl.org/download-2.0.php). - For Windows 1. Unpack the **MSVC** archive under `dependencies` folder in this project's root. 2. Rename the directory as `SDL2`. - For macOS `TODO` _Alternatively, on Windows, you can link the external libraries via symlink._ 3. Build the following dependencies first: - `portmidi` - `libwebsockets` (follow the [instructions on building LWS](https://libwebsockets.org/lws-api-doc-master/html/md_README_8build.html)) 4. Build via CMake.