#include "IZ_app_video.h" void IZ_VideoUpdateForDebugTicks(IZ_VideoState* video_state, uint64_t ticks) { SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(video_state->renderer, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff); u64 the_ticks = ticks; u8 column; u8 row; const u8 size = 4; u8 bit_index; for (bit_index = 0; bit_index < 64; bit_index += 1) { column = bit_index % 32; row = bit_index / 32; if (the_ticks & 0x1) { SDL_RenderFillRectF(video_state->renderer, &(SDL_FRect) { (f32) (video_state->config.width - ((column + 1) * size)), (f32) (video_state->config.height - ((row + 1) * size)), size, size }); } the_ticks >>= 1; } } void IZ_VideoUpdateForDebugInput(IZ_VideoState* video_state, IZ_InputState* input_state) { SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(video_state->renderer, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff); const u8 size = 4; u8 column; u8 row; u8 player_index; u8 control_index; for (player_index = 0; player_index < IZ_PLAYERS; player_index += 1) { IZ_Action the_action = input_state->action[player_index]; for (control_index = 0; control_index < IZ_CONTROLS; control_index += 1) { column = (control_index % 4) + (player_index * 4); row = control_index / 4; if (the_action & 0x1) { SDL_RenderFillRectF(video_state->renderer, &(SDL_FRect) { (f32) (column * size), (f32) (row * size), size, size }); } the_action >>= 1; } } } void IZ_VideoUpdateForDebugNet(IZ_VideoState* video_state, IZ_NetClientState* net_state) { const u8 size = 4; switch (net_state->status) { default: return; case IZ_NET_CLIENT_STATUS_ERROR: SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(video_state->renderer, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff); break; case IZ_NET_CLIENT_STATUS_CONNECTING: SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(video_state->renderer, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff); break; case IZ_NET_CLIENT_STATUS_CONNECTED: SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(video_state->renderer, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff); break; } SDL_RenderFillRectF(video_state->renderer, &(SDL_FRect) { 0, (f32) (video_state->config.height - size), size, size, }); if (!net_state->binding.connection) { return; } u8 column; u8 row; u8 player_index; u8 control_index; for (player_index = 0; player_index < IZ_PLAYERS; player_index += 1) { IZ_Action the_action = net_state->action[player_index]; for (control_index = 0; control_index < IZ_CONTROLS; control_index += 1) { column = (control_index % 4) + (player_index * 4); row = control_index / 4; if (the_action & 0x1) { SDL_RenderFillRectF(video_state->renderer, &(SDL_FRect) { (f32) (column * size), (f32) ((row * size) + (video_state->config.height - (size * 5))), size, size }); } the_action >>= 1; } } } void IZ_VideoUpdate(IZ_VideoState* video_state) { struct IZ_App* app = video_state->user_data; u64 ticks = IZ_AppGetTicks(app); IZ_InputState* input_state = IZ_AppGetInputState(app); IZ_NetClientState* net_state = IZ_AppGetNetState(app); if (ticks - video_state->last_update_at > 1000 / video_state->config.max_fps) { // Update window SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(video_state->renderer, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff); SDL_RenderClear(video_state->renderer); u16 sprite_index; // TODO: optimize this, cut the loop as much as possible. for (sprite_index = 0; sprite_index < IZ_MAX_ACTIVE_SPRITES; sprite_index += 1) { if (!video_state->active_sprites[sprite_index].sprite.texture) { continue; } IZ_Sprite* sprite = &video_state->active_sprites[sprite_index].sprite; f32 draw_width = sprite->original_width * sprite->scale_factor; f32 draw_height = sprite->original_height * sprite->scale_factor; u8 flip_flag = 0; if (sprite->flip_x) { flip_flag |= SDL_FLIP_HORIZONTAL; } if (sprite->flip_y) { flip_flag |= SDL_FLIP_VERTICAL; } SDL_RenderCopyExF(video_state->renderer, sprite->texture, NULL, &(SDL_FRect) { // TODO honor each sprite's location in the world for calculation in the screen. .x = sprite->position.x, .y = sprite->position.y, .w = draw_width, .h = draw_height, }, sprite->rotate_degrees++, &(SDL_FPoint) { .x = draw_width / 2, .y = draw_height / 2, }, flip_flag); // our goal is to render the svg files and apply custom transforms to some SVG groups if ever. // TODO perhaps we can parse the SVG for easier transforms? } IZ_VideoUpdateForDebugTicks(video_state, ticks); IZ_VideoUpdateForDebugInput(video_state, input_state); IZ_VideoUpdateForDebugNet(video_state, net_state); SDL_RenderPresent(video_state->renderer); video_state->last_update_at = ticks; } }