import { describe, it, expect, vi, beforeEach, Mock, afterEach, } from 'vitest'; import { spawnSync } from 'child_process'; import { readFileSync, unlinkSync } from 'fs'; import * as webVideoClipCore from '../src'; vi.mock('child_process'); vi.mock('fs'); describe('createVideoClipper', () => { beforeEach(() => { (readFileSync as Mock).mockReturnValueOnce(Buffer.from('')); }); describe('without postprocessing', () => { let clipper: webVideoClipCore.ClipFunction; beforeEach(() => { clipper = webVideoClipCore.createVideoClipper({ downloaderExecutablePath: 'yt-dlp', type: webVideoClipCore.YouTube.VIDEO_TYPE, }); }); afterEach(() => { (spawnSync as Mock).mockReset(); }); it('calls the downloader function', async () => { (spawnSync as Mock) .mockReturnValueOnce({ stdout: Buffer.from('mkv') }) .mockReturnValueOnce({ stdout: Buffer.from('') }); await clipper({ url: '', start: 0, end: 0, }); expect(spawnSync).toBeCalledTimes(2); expect(spawnSync).nthCalledWith(1, 'yt-dlp', expect.arrayContaining(['--print'])); expect(spawnSync).nthCalledWith(2, 'yt-dlp', expect.anything()); }); it('emits downloader errors', async () => { const causeError = new Error('generic downloader message'); (spawnSync as Mock) .mockReturnValueOnce({ stdout: Buffer.from('mkv') }) .mockReturnValueOnce({ error: causeError }); try { await clipper({ url: '', start: 0, end: 0, }) } catch (errRaw) { const err = errRaw as Error; expect(err).toBeInstanceOf(webVideoClipCore.YouTube.DownloaderFailedToStartError); expect(err.cause).toBe(causeError); expect(err).toHaveProperty('message', 'Downloader failed to start.'); } }); it('calls the buffer extract function', async () => { (spawnSync as Mock) .mockReturnValueOnce({ stdout: Buffer.from('mkv') }) .mockReturnValueOnce({ stdout: Buffer.from('') }); await clipper({ url: '', start: 0, end: 0, }); expect(readFileSync).toBeCalled(); }); it('calls the cleanup function', async () => { (spawnSync as Mock) .mockReturnValueOnce({ stdout: Buffer.from('mkv') }) .mockReturnValueOnce({ stdout: Buffer.from('') }); await clipper({ url: '', start: 0, end: 0, }); expect(unlinkSync).toBeCalled(); }); }); });