
Fix short millia

Make short millia parse and stringify correctly.
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+ 27
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packages/core/src/common.ts ファイルの表示

@@ -48,44 +48,56 @@ export const GROUP_PLACE_INDEX = 1 as const;
* System for stringifying and parsing numbers.
export interface StringifySystem {
export interface NumberNameSystem {
* Creates a negative string.
* @param s - The string to make negative.
* @returns string The negative string.
makeNegative: (s: string) => string;
* Creates a group string.
* @param group - The group digits.
* @param place - The group place.
* @param options - Options to use when creating the group.
* Splits a string into groups.
* @param value - The string to group.
* @see {NumberNameSystem.combineGroups}
* @returns Group[] The groups.
makeGroups: <T extends object>(groups: Group[], options?: T) => string[];
splitIntoGroups: (value: string) => Group[];
* Groups a string.
* @param value - The string to group.
* Creates a group string.
* @param groups - The groups.
* @param options - Options to use when creating the group.
* @see {NumberNameSystem.parseGroups}
* @returns string[] The groups represented into strings.
group: (value: string) => Group[];
stringifyGroups: <T extends object>(groups: Group[], options?: T) => string[];
* Finalizes a string.
* Merges tokens from stringified groups to a string.
* @param tokens - The tokens to finalize.
* @see {NumberNameSystem.tokenize}
* @returns string The merged tokens.
finalize: <T extends object>(tokens: string[], options?: T) => string;
mergeTokens: <T extends object>(tokens: string[], options?: T) => string;
* Tokenizes a string.
* @param value - The string to tokenize.
* @see {NumberNameSystem.mergeTokens}
* @returns string[] The tokens.
tokenize: (value: string) => string[];
* Parses groups from a string.
* @param value - The string to parse groups from.
* @param tokens - The string to parse groups from.
* @see {NumberNameSystem.stringifyGroups}
* @returns Group[] The parsed groups.
parseGroups: (value: string[]) => Group[];
parseGroups: (tokens: string[]) => Group[];
* Combines groups into a string.
* @param value - The groups to combine.
* @param groups - The groups to combine.
* @see {NumberNameSystem.splitIntoGroups}
* @returns string The combined groups in exponential form.
combineGroups: (value: Group[]) => string;
combineGroups: (groups: Group[]) => string;


+ 23
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packages/core/src/converter.ts ファイルの表示

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import { enUS } from './systems';
import { StringifySystem } from './common';
import { NumberNameSystem } from './common';
import { exponentialToNumberString, extractExponentialComponents, numberToExponential } from './exponent';

@@ -35,20 +35,23 @@ type ParseResult = typeof ALLOWED_PARSE_RESULT_TYPES[number];
* Options to use when converting a value to a string.
export interface StringifyOptions<
TMakeGroupOptions extends object = object,
TFinalizeOptions extends object = object,
TStringifyGroupsOptions extends object,
TMergeTokensOptions extends object,
> {
* The system to use when converting a value to a string.
* Defaults to en-US (American short count).
system?: StringifySystem;
system?: NumberNameSystem;
* Options to use when making a group. This is used to override the default options for a group.
* Options to use when stringifying a single group.
makeGroupOptions?: TMakeGroupOptions;
finalizeOptions?: TFinalizeOptions;
stringifyGroupsOptions?: TStringifyGroupsOptions;
* Options to use when merging tokens.
mergeTokensOptions?: TMergeTokensOptions;

@@ -57,10 +60,14 @@ export interface StringifyOptions<
* @param options - Options to use when converting a value to its name.
* @returns string The name of the value.
export const stringify = (
value: AllowedValue,
options = {} as StringifyOptions,
): string => {
export const stringify = <
TStringifyGroupsOptions extends object,
TMergeTokensOptions extends object
value: AllowedValue,
options = {} as StringifyOptions<TStringifyGroupsOptions, TMergeTokensOptions>,
): string => {
if (!(
(ALLOWED_PARSE_RESULT_TYPES as unknown as string[])
.includes(typeof (value as unknown))
@@ -69,18 +76,15 @@ export const stringify = (

const valueStr = value.toString().replace(/\s/g, '');
const { system = enUS.shortCount, makeGroupOptions, finalizeOptions } = options;
const { system = enUS.shortCount, stringifyGroupsOptions, mergeTokensOptions } = options;

if (valueStr.startsWith(NEGATIVE_SYMBOL)) {
return system.makeNegative(stringify(valueStr.slice(NEGATIVE_SYMBOL.length), options));

const groups = system.group(valueStr);
const groupNames = system.makeGroups(
return system.finalize(groupNames, finalizeOptions);
const groups = system.splitIntoGroups(valueStr);
const groupNames = system.stringifyGroups(groups, stringifyGroupsOptions);
return system.mergeTokens(groupNames, mergeTokensOptions);

@@ -92,7 +96,7 @@ export interface ParseOptions {
* Defaults to en-US (American short count).
system?: StringifySystem;
system?: NumberNameSystem;
* The type to parse the value as.

+ 4
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packages/core/src/systems/en-US/common.ts ファイルの表示

@@ -16,12 +16,16 @@ export const POSITIVE_SYMBOL = '+' as const;

export const SHORT_MILLIA_DELIMITER = '^' as const;

export const SHORT_MILLIA_ILLION_DELIMITER = '-' as const;

export const EXPONENT_DELIMITER = 'e' as const;

export const EMPTY_GROUP_DIGITS = '000' as const;

export const EMPTY_PLACE: Group = [EMPTY_GROUP_DIGITS, BigInt(0)];

export const T_AFFIX = 't' as const;

* Ones number names.

+ 93
- 33
packages/core/src/systems/en-US/short-count/parse.ts ファイルの表示

@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ import {
@@ -31,12 +33,22 @@ import {

const FINAL_TOKEN = '' as const;

export const tokenize = (stringValue: string) => (
* Tokenizes a string.
* @param value - The string to tokenize.
* @see {NumberNameSystem.mergeTokens}
* @returns string[] The tokens.
export const tokenize = (value: string) => (
.replace(/\n+/gs, ' ')
.replace(/\s+/g, ' ')
.replace(new RegExp(`${TENS_ONES_SEPARATOR}`, 'g'), ' ')
.split(' ')
.filter((maybeToken) => maybeToken.length > 0)
@@ -49,19 +61,29 @@ interface DoParseState {
done: boolean;

* Deconstructs a group name token (e.g. "million", "duodecillion", etc.) to its affixes and
* parses them.
* @param result - The current state of the parser.
* @returns DoParseState The next state of the parser.
const doParseGroupName = (result: DoParseState): DoParseState => {
if (result.groupNameCurrent.length < 1) {
return {
done: true,
if (
result.groupNameCurrent.length < 1

if (result.groupNameCurrent === 't') {
// If the current group name is "t", then we're done.
// We use the -t- affix to attach the group prefix to the -illion suffix, except for decillion.
|| result.groupNameCurrent === T_AFFIX
) {
return {

// Fill the gaps of millias with zeros.
millias: new Array(result.millias.length)
.map((z, i) => (
result.millias[i] ?? z
done: true,
@@ -120,29 +142,23 @@ const doParseGroupName = (result: DoParseState): DoParseState => {

if (result.groupNameCurrent.startsWith(`${MILLIA_PREFIX}${SHORT_MILLIA_DELIMITER}`)) {
// short millia
const matchedMilliaArray = result.groupNameCurrent.match(/^\d+/);
if (!matchedMilliaArray) {
throw new InvalidTokenError(result.groupNameCurrent);
const matchedMillia = matchedMilliaArray[0];
const newMillia = Number(matchedMillia);
const oldMillia = result.milliaIndex;
const newMillias = [...result.millias];
newMillias[newMillia] = newMillias[oldMillia] || 1;
newMillias[oldMillia] = 0;
return {
milliaIndex: newMillia,
millias: newMillias,
groupNameCurrent: result.groupNameCurrent.slice(MILLIA_PREFIX.length),
done: false,

if (result.groupNameCurrent.startsWith(MILLIA_PREFIX)) {
const newMillia = result.milliaIndex + 1;
let newMillia: number;
let prefix: string;
const isShortMillia = result.groupNameCurrent.startsWith(`${MILLIA_PREFIX}${SHORT_MILLIA_DELIMITER}`);
if (isShortMillia) {
const matchedMilliaArray = result.groupNameCurrent
.match(new RegExp(`^${MILLIA_PREFIX}\\${SHORT_MILLIA_DELIMITER}(\\d+)`));
if (!matchedMilliaArray) {
throw new InvalidTokenError(result.groupNameCurrent);
const [wholeMilliaPrefix, matchedMillia] = matchedMilliaArray;
newMillia = Number(matchedMillia);
prefix = wholeMilliaPrefix;
} else {
newMillia = result.milliaIndex + 1;
const oldMillia = result.milliaIndex;
const newMillias = [...result.millias];
newMillias[newMillia] = newMillias[oldMillia] || 1;
@@ -150,7 +166,7 @@ const doParseGroupName = (result: DoParseState): DoParseState => {
return {
milliaIndex: newMillia,
millias: newMillias,
groupNameCurrent: result.groupNameCurrent.slice(MILLIA_PREFIX.length),
groupNameCurrent: result.groupNameCurrent.slice(prefix.length),
done: false,
@@ -158,6 +174,11 @@ const doParseGroupName = (result: DoParseState): DoParseState => {
throw new InvalidTokenError(result.groupNameCurrent);

* Gets the place of a group name (e.g. "million", "duodecillion", etc.).
* @param groupName - The group name.
* @returns bigint The place of the group name.
const getGroupPlaceFromGroupName = (groupName: string) => {
if (groupName === THOUSAND) {
return BigInt(1);
@@ -191,16 +212,43 @@ const getGroupPlaceFromGroupName = (groupName: string) => {
return bigGroupPlace + BigInt(1);

* Mode of the group parser.
enum ParseGroupsMode {
INITIAL = 'unknown',
* Initial mode.
INITIAL = 'initial',
* Has parsed a ones name.
ONES_MODE = 'ones',
* Has parsed a tens name.
TENS_MODE = 'tens',
* Has parsed a ten-plus-ones name.
TEN_PLUS_ONES_MODE = 'tenPlusOnes',
* Has parsed a "hundred" token.
HUNDRED_MODE = 'hundred',
* Has parsed a "thousand" or any "-illion" token.
THOUSAND_MODE = 'thousand',
* Done parsing.
DONE = 'done',

* State of the group parser.
interface ParserState {
lastToken?: string;
groups: Group[];
@@ -340,6 +388,12 @@ const parseTens = (acc: ParserState, token: string): ParserState => {

* Parses groups from a string.
* @param tokens - The string to parse groups from.
* @see {NumberNameSystem.stringifyGroups}
* @returns Group[] The parsed groups.
export const parseGroups = (tokens: string[]) => {
// We add a final token which is an empty string to parse whatever the last non-empty token is.
const tokensToParse = [...tokens, FINAL_TOKEN];
@@ -404,6 +458,12 @@ const bigIntMin = (...b: bigint[]) => b.reduce(
undefined as bigint | undefined,

* Combines groups into a string.
* @param groups - The groups to combine.
* @see {NumberNameSystem.splitIntoGroups}
* @returns string The combined groups in exponential form.
export const combineGroups = (groups: Group[]) => {
const places = groups.map((g) => g[GROUP_PLACE_INDEX]);
if (places.length < 1) {

+ 37
- 10
packages/core/src/systems/en-US/short-count/stringify.ts ファイルの表示

@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import {
@@ -135,6 +135,12 @@ const makeCentillionsPrefix = (
return `${hundredsName}${onesPrefix}${decillions > 0 ? tensName : ''}` as const;

* Repeats a string a given number of times.
* @param s - String to repeat.
* @param count - Number of times to repeat the string.
* @returns string The repeated string.
const repeatString = (s: string, count: GroupPlace) => {
let result = '';
for (let i = BigInt(0); i < count; i += BigInt(1)) {
@@ -183,13 +189,20 @@ const getGroupName = (place: GroupPlace, shortenMillia: boolean) => {
.filter(([groupDigits]) => groupDigits !== EMPTY_GROUP_DIGITS)
.map(([groupDigits, groupPlace], _index, millias) => {
const [hundreds, tens, ones] = groupDigits.split('').map(Number);
const centillionsPrefix = makeCentillionsPrefix(
BigInt(millias.length - 1)

if (groupPlace < 1) {
return makeCentillionsPrefix(hundreds, tens, ones, BigInt(millias.length - 1));
return centillionsPrefix;

const milliaSuffix = (
shortenMillia && groupPlace > 1
: repeatString(MILLIA_PREFIX, groupPlace)

@@ -197,7 +210,7 @@ const getGroupName = (place: GroupPlace, shortenMillia: boolean) => {
return milliaSuffix;

return makeCentillionsPrefix(hundreds, tens, ones, BigInt(millias.length - 1)) + milliaSuffix;
return `${centillionsPrefix}${milliaSuffix}`;

@@ -206,18 +219,31 @@ const getGroupName = (place: GroupPlace, shortenMillia: boolean) => {

if (bigGroupPlace > 10) {
return `${groupGroups}t${ILLION_SUFFIX}` as const;
// vigin - t - illion, cen - t - illion, etc.
return `${groupGroups}${T_AFFIX}${ILLION_SUFFIX}` as const;

return `${groupGroups}${ILLION_SUFFIX}` as const;

export interface MakeGroupsOptions {
export interface StringifyGroupsOptions {
* Whether to add dashes between tens and ones (e.g. "sixty-nine").
addTensDashes?: boolean;
* Use "millia^2-tillion" instead of "milliamilliatillion".
shortenMillia?: boolean;

export const makeGroups = (groups: Group[], options?: MakeGroupsOptions): string[] => {
* Creates a group string.
* @param groups - The groups.
* @param options - Options to use when creating the group.
* @returns string[] The groups represented into strings.
export const stringifyGroups = (groups: Group[], options?: StringifyGroupsOptions): string[] => {
const filteredGroups = groups.filter(([digits, place]) => (
place === BigInt(0) || digits !== EMPTY_GROUP_DIGITS
@@ -245,8 +271,9 @@ export const makeGroups = (groups: Group[], options?: MakeGroupsOptions): string
* Group a number string into groups of three digits, starting from the decimal point.
* @param value - The number string to group.
* @returns Group[] The groups.
export const group = (value: string): Group[] => {
export const splitIntoGroups = (value: string): Group[] => {
const [significand, exponentString] = numberToExponential(
@@ -277,7 +304,7 @@ export const group = (value: string): Group[] => {

export interface FinalizeOptions {
export interface MergeTokensOptions {
oneGroupPerLine?: boolean;

@@ -286,7 +313,7 @@ export interface FinalizeOptions {
* @param tokens - The tokens to finalize.
* @param options - The options to use.
export const finalize = (tokens: string[], options?: FinalizeOptions) => (
export const mergeTokens = (tokens: string[], options?: MergeTokensOptions) => (
.map((t) => t.trim())
.join(options?.oneGroupPerLine ? '\n' : GROUP_SEPARATOR)

+ 11
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packages/core/test/systems/en-US.test.ts ファイルの表示

@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ const options = {

const stringifyOptions = {
makeGroupOptions: {
stringifyGroupsOptions: {
addTensDashes: false,
@@ -286,4 +286,14 @@ describe('numerica', () => {
const value5 = '1e3006';
expect(stringify(value5)).toBe('one milliauntillion');

it('converts short millia', () => {
const shortMillia1 = 'one millia^1-tillion';

const shortMillia2 = 'one millia^2-tillion';
expect(stringify(parse(shortMillia2), { stringifyGroupsOptions: { shortenMillia: true } }))

+ 1
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packages/core/test/systems/en-US/chongo.test.ts ファイルの表示

@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import { stringify, parse } from '../../../src';
import { numberToExponential } from '../../../src/exponent';

const stringifyOptions = {
makeGroupOptions: {
stringifyGroupsOptions: {
addTensDashes: false,
