Simple XML subset parser comparable to glib's Markup parser, but without any dependencies in one self contained file. Forked from
Vous ne pouvez pas sélectionner plus de 25 sujets Les noms de sujets doivent commencer par une lettre ou un nombre, peuvent contenir des tirets ('-') et peuvent comporter jusqu'à 35 caractères.

182 lignes
3.9 KiB

  1. #include <stdbool.h>
  2. #include <stdio.h>
  3. #include <stdlib.h>
  4. #include <string.h>
  5. #include "./xml.h"
  6. /**
  7. * Will halt the program iff assertion fails
  8. */
  9. static void _assert_that(_Bool condition, char const* message, char const* func, char const* file, int line) {
  10. if (!condition) {
  11. fprintf(stderr, "Assertion failed: %s, in %s (%s:%i)\n", message, func, file, line);
  12. exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
  13. }
  14. }
  15. #define assert_that(condition, message) \
  16. _assert_that(condition, message, __func__, __FILE__, __LINE__)
  17. /**
  18. * Behaves similar to `getElementsByTagName`, however returns just the first and
  19. * not all elements with a given tag name
  20. *
  21. * @param base Node in tree which should be the start of te recursive search
  22. * @param 0-terminated tag name, case sensitive
  23. *
  24. * @return First node below `base` iff found, otherwise 0
  25. * @warning Depth-First search!
  26. *
  27. * @see
  28. */
  29. static struct xml_node* get_node_by_name(struct xml_node* base, uint8_t* name) {
  30. /* Check whether `base` already has the tag name we are searching for
  31. */
  32. size_t const name_length = strlen(name);
  33. uint8_t* base_name = xml_easy_name(base);
  34. size_t const base_name_length = strlen(base_name);
  35. /* Length of `name` and `base_name` do match, we should now do a real
  36. * comparison
  37. */
  38. if (name_length == base_name_length) {
  39. int const rs = memcmp(name, base_name, name_length);
  40. /* Names match! We have found an element which fullfills our
  41. * search criteria
  42. */
  43. if (!rs) {
  44. free(base_name);
  45. return base;
  46. }
  47. }
  48. /* Unfortunately, `base` is not the element we are looking for :-(
  49. */
  50. free(base_name);
  51. /* Let's take a look at the children of `base`
  52. */
  53. size_t const number_of_children = xml_node_children(base);
  54. /* No children → No luck with base
  55. */
  56. if (!number_of_children) {
  57. return 0;
  58. }
  59. /* Recursivly look through all children
  60. */
  61. size_t child = 0; for (; child < number_of_children; ++child) {
  62. struct xml_node* child_node = xml_node_child(base, child);
  63. /* Maybe this child does contain the element we are looking for?
  64. */
  65. struct xml_node* search_result = get_node_by_name(
  66. child_node, name
  67. );
  68. /* We are lucky!
  69. */
  70. if (search_result) {
  71. return search_result;
  72. }
  73. }
  74. /* No luck :-(
  75. */
  76. return 0;
  77. }
  78. int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  79. /* XML source, could be read from disk
  80. */
  81. uint8_t* source = ""
  82. "<Root>"
  83. "<Hello>World</Hello>"
  84. "<Functions>"
  85. "<Function>"
  86. "<as>testas one</as>"
  87. "<os>testos</os>"
  88. "</Function>"
  89. "<Function>"
  90. "<is>testis</is>"
  91. "<us>testus</us>"
  92. "<ls>testls</ls>"
  93. "</Function>"
  94. "<Function>"
  95. "<mn>testmn</mn>"
  96. "<as>testas two</as>"
  97. "</Function>"
  98. "</Functions>"
  99. "</Root>"
  100. ;
  101. struct xml_document* document = xml_parse_document(source, strlen(source));
  102. if (!document) {
  103. printf("Could parse document\n");
  104. exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
  105. }
  106. struct xml_node* root = xml_document_root(document);
  107. /* We expect to find Root / Functions / Function#1 / us
  108. */
  109. struct xml_node* us = get_node_by_name(root, "us");
  110. assert_that(us, "Did not find element by tag name `us'");
  111. uint8_t* us_content = xml_easy_content(us);
  112. assert_that(us_content, "`us' should have content");
  113. assert_that(!strcmp(us_content, "testus"), "Unexpected content for node `us'");
  114. free(us_content);
  115. /* We expect to find Root / Functions / Function#0 / as
  116. */
  117. struct xml_node* as = get_node_by_name(root, "as");
  118. assert_that(as, "Did not find element by tag name `as'");
  119. uint8_t* as_content = xml_easy_content(as);
  120. assert_that(as_content, "`as' should have content");
  121. assert_that(!strcmp(as_content, "testas one"), "Unexpected content for first `as' node");
  122. free(as_content);
  123. /* We do not expect do find a node with tag name `does_not_exist'
  124. */
  125. struct xml_node* does_not_exist = get_node_by_name(root, "does_not_exist");
  126. assert_that(!does_not_exist, "Found node that should not exist");
  127. xml_document_free(document, false);
  128. }