xml.c ===== Similar to the [GLib Markup parser](http://developer.gnome.org/glib/2.34/glib-Simple-XML-Subset-Parser.html), which also just parses an xml subset, [xml.c](https://github.com/ooxi/xml.c) is a simple, small and self contained xml parser in one file. Ideal for embedding into other projects without the need for big external dependencies. [![Build Status](https://github.com/ooxi/xml.c/actions/workflows/ci.yaml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/ooxi/xml.c/actions) Downloads --------- All releases are based on master, so the preferred way of using xml.c is adding the repository as [git submodule](http://git-scm.com/book/en/Git-Tools-Submodules). If you prefer formal releases, check out the [release tags](https://github.com/ooxi/xml.c/tags). Building xml.c -------------- Since xml.c uses [CMake](http://www.cmake.org/), building the library is fairly easy $ git clone https://github.com/ooxi/xml.c.git xml.c $ mkdir xml.c/build; cd xml.c/build $ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. $ make && make test If you need a debug build, specify `CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE` as `Debug` and rebuild. Usage ----- This example is also [included in the repository](https://github.com/ooxi/xml.c/blob/master/test/example.c) and will be build by default. Most of the code is C boilerplate, the important functions are `xml_parse_document`, `xml_document_root`, `xml_node_name`, `xml_node_content` and `xml_node_child` / `xml_node_children`. ```c #include #include #include #include int main(int argc, char** argv) { /* XML source, could be read from disk */ uint8_t* source = "" "" "World" "" ":-)" ":-O" ":-D" "" "" ; /* Parse the document * * Watch out: Remember not to free the source until you have freed the * document itself. If you have to free the source before, supply a * copy to xml_parse_document which can be freed together with the * document (`free_buffer' argument to `xml_document_free') */ struct xml_document* document = xml_parse_document(source, strlen(source)); /* You _have_ to check the result of `xml_parse_document', if it's 0 * then the source could not be parsed. If you think this is a bug in * xml.c, then use a debug build (cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug) which * will verbosely tell you about the parsing process */ if (!document) { printf("Could parse document\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } struct xml_node* root = xml_document_root(document); /* Say Hello World :-) */ struct xml_node* root_hello = xml_node_child(root, 0); struct xml_string* hello = xml_node_name(root_hello); struct xml_string* world = xml_node_content(root_hello); /* Watch out: `xml_string_copy' will not 0-terminate your buffers! (but * `calloc' will :-) */ uint8_t* hello_0 = calloc(xml_string_length(hello) + 1, sizeof(uint8_t)); uint8_t* world_0 = calloc(xml_string_length(world) + 1, sizeof(uint8_t)); xml_string_copy(hello, hello_0, xml_string_length(hello)); xml_string_copy(world, world_0, xml_string_length(world)); printf("%s %s\n", hello_0, world_0); free(hello_0); free(world_0); /* Extract amount of Root/This children */ struct xml_node* root_this = xml_node_child(root, 1); printf("Root/This has %lu children\n", (unsigned long)xml_node_children(root_this)); /* Remember to free the document or you'll risk a memory leak */ xml_document_free(document, false); } ``` Another usage example can be found in the [unit case](https://github.com/ooxi/xml.c/blob/master/test/test-xml.c). License ------- [libpng/zlib](https://github.com/ooxi/xml.c/blob/master/LICENSE) (BSD)