# Viewfinder Layout scaffolding for Web apps. This library is made to avoid custom repetitive layout code. ## Usage Just import: ```tsx import * as React from 'react' import { Basic, LeftSidebar, LeftSidebarWithMenu, RightSidebarStatic } from '@tesseract-design/viewfinder' const Page: React.FC = ({ avatar, fullName, }) => ( ACME Inc. } topBarCenter={
} userLink={ {fullName} } > Hello world!
) export default Page ``` The available props per layout are included as a TypeScript declarations file. ## Configuration There are CSS variables that can be declared in the parent of the `*.Layout` components (preferably `:root`) for customizing the metrics and colors of the layout: ### `--height-topbar` Default value: `4rem` Height of the top bar widget. ### `--size-menu` Default value: `4rem` Width or height of the menu, depending on the orientation it is rendered.