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108 lignes
1.6 KiB

  1. # Logs
  2. logs
  3. *.log
  4. npm-debug.log*
  5. yarn-debug.log*
  6. yarn-error.log*
  7. lerna-debug.log*
  8. # Diagnostic reports (
  9. report.[0-9]*.[0-9]*.[0-9]*.[0-9]*.json
  10. # Runtime data
  11. pids
  12. *.pid
  13. *.seed
  14. *.pid.lock
  15. # Directory for instrumented libs generated by jscoverage/JSCover
  16. lib-cov
  17. # Coverage directory used by tools like istanbul
  18. coverage
  19. *.lcov
  20. # nyc test coverage
  21. .nyc_output
  22. # Grunt intermediate storage (
  23. .grunt
  24. # Bower dependency directory (
  25. bower_components
  26. # node-waf configuration
  27. .lock-wscript
  28. # Compiled binary addons (
  29. build/Release
  30. # Dependency directories
  31. node_modules/
  32. jspm_packages/
  33. # TypeScript v1 declaration files
  34. typings/
  35. # TypeScript cache
  36. *.tsbuildinfo
  37. # Optional npm cache directory
  38. .npm
  39. # Optional eslint cache
  40. .eslintcache
  41. # Microbundle cache
  42. .rpt2_cache/
  43. .rts2_cache_cjs/
  44. .rts2_cache_es/
  45. .rts2_cache_umd/
  46. # Optional REPL history
  47. .node_repl_history
  48. # Output of 'npm pack'
  49. *.tgz
  50. # Yarn Integrity file
  51. .yarn-integrity
  52. # dotenv environment variables file
  53. .env
  54. .env.production
  55. .env.development
  56. # parcel-bundler cache (
  57. .cache
  58. # Next.js build output
  59. .next
  60. # Nuxt.js build / generate output
  61. .nuxt
  62. dist
  63. # Gatsby files
  64. .cache/
  65. # Comment in the public line in if your project uses Gatsby and *not* Next.js
  66. #
  67. # public
  68. # vuepress build output
  69. .vuepress/dist
  70. # Serverless directories
  71. .serverless/
  72. # FuseBox cache
  73. .fusebox/
  74. # DynamoDB Local files
  75. .dynamodb/
  76. # TernJS port file
  77. .tern-port
  78. .npmrc