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ch20-trills.mdx 1.3 KiB

  1. ---
  2. title: Trills
  3. layout: ../layouts/Layout.astro
  4. ---
  5. I have attended the session where I was supposed to demonstrate the trills I had been working for the past few days. I
  6. started with the third movement of Haydn Piano Sonata No. 6:
  7. <img src="/api/assets/haydn-piano-sonata-6-slice01.svg" alt="" />
  8. Sir demonstrated to me where the "Adagio" is meant for, as the pulse is made out of quarter notes. He gestured to me
  9. the 4/4 time signature and said the grouping is made out of 6 notes--"imagine the pulse is made out of sextuplets".
  10. He said my trills were "ugly", to which I agreed. I was still struggling to make the trills "sound right". He suggested
  11. I "count" the trills. However, that felt too much for me to handle, so I tried clinging to my sensation. I used my
  12. (2) to "count", i.e. align my trills to the measure.
  13. He asked me how did my experience compare with playing measured trills--I said I used to play instinctively. He added
  14. that playing trills instinctively could be detrimental when used in every situation. He asked if I was aiming to play
  15. trills as to "excite" the listener, of which the pieces I played (mostly from the Romantic era) did have dramatic
  16. trills. I realized that the manner of playing trills will depend on the style of music--measured trills would be
  17. beneficial to a piece in the Classical period like Haydn's.