Get the name of a number, even if it's stupidly big.
This repo is archived. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues/pull-requests.
- .DS_Store
- .AppleDouble
- .LSOverride
- ._*
- .DocumentRevisions-V100
- .fseventsd
- .Spotlight-V100
- .TemporaryItems
- .Trashes
- .VolumeIcon.icns
- .AppleDB
- .AppleDesktop
- Network Trash Folder
- Temporary Items
- .apdisk
- .idea/
- cmake-build-*/
- *.iws
- out/
- .idea_modules/
- atlassian-ide-plugin.xml
- com_crashlytics_export_strings.xml
- .vscode/
- *.code-workspace
- .history/
- Thumbs.db
- Thumbs.db:encryptable
- ehthumbs.db
- ehthumbs_vista.db
- *.stackdump
- [Dd]esktop.ini
- *.cab
- *.msi
- *.msix
- *.msm
- *.msp
- *.lnk
- logs
- *.log
- npm-debug.log*
- yarn-debug.log*
- yarn-error.log*
- lerna-debug.log*
- report.[0-9]*.[0-9]*.[0-9]*.[0-9]*.json
- pids
- *.pid
- *.seed
- *.pid.lock
- lib-cov
- coverage
- *.lcov
- .nyc_output
- .grunt
- bower_components
- .lock-wscript
- build/Release
- node_modules/
- jspm_packages/
- web_modules/
- *.tsbuildinfo
- .npm
- .eslintcache
- .rpt2_cache/
- .rts2_cache_cjs/
- .rts2_cache_es/
- .rts2_cache_umd/
- .node_repl_history
- *.tgz
- .yarn-integrity
- .env
- .env.test
- .cache
- .parcel-cache
- .next
- .nuxt
- dist
- .cache/
- .vuepress/dist
- .serverless/
- .fusebox/
- .dynamodb/
- .tern-port
- .vscode-test
- .yarn/cache
- .yarn/unplugged
- .yarn/build-state.yml
- .pnp.*
- tests/output