- /// <reference types="cypress" />
- import getFormValues from '../../src'
- import {makeSearchParams} from '../utils/search';
- describe('single input template', () => {
- beforeEach(() => {
- cy.intercept({ url: '/' }, { fixture: 'templates/single-input.html' });
- cy.intercept({ url: '/?*' }, { fixture: 'templates/single-input.html' }).as('submitted');
- })
- it('should have a single form value', () => {
- let form
- cy
- .visit('/')
- .get('form')
- .then((formResult) => {
- [form] = Array.from(formResult);
- })
- .get('[type="submit"]')
- .click()
- .wait('@submitted')
- .location('search')
- .then(search => {
- const before = makeSearchParams(getFormValues(form)).toString();
- const after = new URLSearchParams(search).toString();
- expect(before).to.equal(after);
- })
- })
- });
- describe('single readonly template', () => {
- beforeEach(() => {
- cy.intercept({ url: '/' }, { fixture: 'templates/single-readonly-input.html' });
- cy.intercept({ url: '/?*' }, { fixture: 'templates/single-readonly-input.html' }).as('submitted');
- })
- it('should have a single form value', () => {
- let form
- cy
- .visit('/')
- .get('form')
- .then((formResult) => {
- [form] = Array.from(formResult);
- })
- .get('[type="submit"]')
- .click()
- .wait('@submitted')
- .location('search')
- .then(search => {
- const before = makeSearchParams(getFormValues(form)).toString();
- const after = new URLSearchParams(search).toString();
- expect(before).to.equal(after);
- })
- })
- });
- describe('single disabled template', () => {
- beforeEach(() => {
- cy.intercept({ url: '/' }, { fixture: 'templates/single-disabled-input.html' });
- cy.intercept({ url: '/?*' }, { fixture: 'templates/single-disabled-input.html' }).as('submitted');
- })
- it('should have a single form value', () => {
- let form
- cy
- .visit('/')
- .get('form')
- .then((formResult) => {
- [form] = Array.from(formResult);
- })
- .get('[type="submit"]')
- .click()
- .wait('@submitted')
- .location('search')
- .then(search => {
- const before = makeSearchParams(getFormValues(form)).toString();
- const after = new URLSearchParams(search).toString();
- expect(before).to.equal(after);
- })
- })
- });
- describe('single input with double button submitters template', () => {
- beforeEach(() => {
- cy
- .intercept(
- { url: '/' },
- { fixture: 'templates/single-input-with-double-button-submitters.html' }
- );
- cy
- .intercept(
- { url: '/?*' },
- { fixture: 'templates/single-input-with-double-button-submitters.html' }
- )
- .as('submitted');
- })
- it('should have a single form value', () => {
- let submitter;
- let form;
- cy
- .visit('/')
- .get('form')
- .then((formResult) => {
- [form] = Array.from(formResult);
- })
- .get('[name="action"][value="Bar"]')
- .then((submitterEl) => {
- [submitter] = Array.from(submitterEl)
- })
- .click()
- .wait('@submitted')
- .location('search')
- .then(search => {
- const before = makeSearchParams(getFormValues(form, submitter as HTMLInputElement)).toString();
- const after = new URLSearchParams(search).toString();
- expect(before).to.equal(after);
- })
- })
- });
- describe('single input with double input submitters template', () => {
- beforeEach(() => {
- cy
- .intercept(
- { url: '/' },
- { fixture: 'templates/single-input-with-double-input-submitters.html' }
- );
- cy
- .intercept(
- { url: '/?*' },
- { fixture: 'templates/single-input-with-double-input-submitters.html' }
- )
- .as('submitted');
- })
- it('should have a single form value', () => {
- let submitter;
- let form;
- cy
- .visit('/')
- .get('form')
- .then((formResult) => {
- [form] = Array.from(formResult);
- })
- .get('[name="action"][value="Foo"]')
- .then((submitterEl) => {
- [submitter] = Array.from(submitterEl)
- })
- .click()
- .wait('@submitted')
- .location('search')
- .then(search => {
- const before = makeSearchParams(getFormValues(form, submitter as HTMLInputElement)).toString();
- const after = new URLSearchParams(search).toString();
- expect(before).to.equal(after);
- })
- })
- });