Useful methods for file-related functions.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

26 lines
735 B

  1. import numeral from 'numeral'
  2. type FormatFileSize = (n: number, raw?: boolean) => string
  3. const formatFileSize: FormatFileSize = (n, raw = false) => {
  4. if ((typeof n as unknown) !== 'number') {
  5. throw TypeError('Argument should be a number.')
  6. }
  7. if (isNaN(n)) {
  8. throw RangeError('Cannot format NaN.')
  9. }
  10. if (raw) {
  11. const absValue = Math.abs(n)
  12. const base = numeral(absValue < 1000 ? absValue : 999).format('0 b')
  13. const suffix = base.slice(base.indexOf(' ') + ' '.length)
  14. return `${n < 0 ? '-' : ''}${numeral(absValue).format('0,0')} ${suffix}`
  15. }
  16. const base = numeral(Math.abs(n)).format(Math.abs(n) < 1000 ? '0 b' : '0.00 b')
  17. return `${n < 0 ? '-' : ''}${base}`
  18. }
  19. export default formatFileSize