import * as fc from 'fast-check' import isValidMimeType, { IsValidMimeTypeConfig } from './isValidMimeType' it('should exist', () => { expect(isValidMimeType).toBeDefined() }) it('should be a callable', () => { expect(typeof isValidMimeType).toBe('function') }) it('should accept a minimum of 1 argument', () => { expect(isValidMimeType).toHaveLength(1) }) it('should throw an error given invalid param shapes', () => { fc.assert( fc.object().filter(o => !('validMimeTypes' in o)), params => { expect(() => isValidMimeType(params as unknown as IsValidMimeTypeConfig)).toThrow(TypeError) } ) ) }) describe('on valid MIME types', () => { it('should throw an error given non-string and non-array values', () => { fc.assert( fc.record({ validMimeTypes: fc.anything().filter(e => !(typeof e === 'string' || Array.isArray(e))) }), params => { expect(() => isValidMimeType(params as unknown as IsValidMimeTypeConfig)).toThrow(TypeError) } ) ) }) it('should throw an error given empty arrays', () => { expect(() => isValidMimeType({ validMimeTypes: [] })).toThrow(RangeError) }) it('should throw an error given non-string arrays', () => { fc.assert( fc.record({ validMimeTypes: fc.array(fc.anything().filter(e => typeof e !== 'string'), 1, 20), }), params => { expect(() => isValidMimeType(params as unknown as IsValidMimeTypeConfig)).toThrow(TypeError) } ) ) }) it('should return a main callable given strings', () => { fc.assert( fc.record({ validMimeTypes: fc.string(), }), params => { expect(typeof isValidMimeType(params)).toBe('function') } ) ) }) it('should return a main callable given string arrays', () => { fc.assert( fc.record({ validMimeTypes: fc.array(fc.string(), 1, 20), }), params => { expect(typeof isValidMimeType(params)).toBe('function') } ) ) }) }) describe('on main callable', () => { it('should throw an error for non-string params', () => { fc.assert( fc.tuple( fc.record({ validMimeTypes: fc.oneof( fc.string(), fc.array(fc.string(), 1, 20), ), }), fc.anything().filter(v => typeof v !== 'string'), ), ([params, maybeFileName]) => { expect(() => isValidMimeType(params)(maybeFileName as string)).toThrow(TypeError) } ) ) }) it('should return a boolean for string params', () => { fc.assert( fc.tuple( fc.record({ validMimeTypes: fc.oneof( fc.string(), fc.array(fc.string(), 1, 20), ), }), fc.string(), ), ([params, maybeFileName]) => { expect(typeof isValidMimeType(params)(maybeFileName)).toBe('boolean') } ) ) }) })